Rabbits – Home learning for 4th June

Good morning Rabbits

How are you all feeling today?  I have enjoyed this lovely sunny weather.

Handwriting:  can you do the handwriting task that is attached please?  I could only download the whole file – so just do the last two pages in the set.


English / Reading / Comprehension: please can you work on your year group task.  You will be thinking about rhyming words in you are in Year 2 and working with a poem.  In Year 3 you will be doing tasks all about a traditional story.

Year 2 English Task

Year 3 English task

Maths:  Year 2 have a fractions task to complete and then a domino activity to look at equivalent numbers:  Year 3 also have some fraction activities.

Y3 Maths Fractions

Year 2 Maths Fractions Task

Yr 2 Train Dominoes

Project:  I am sure you have lots to do with the animation that I set you yesterday, so for today I have some interesting facts about Volcanoes for you to read and a short film to watch.

Have a good day – Tomorrow will be a short spelling test and a quick quiz for you!

Mrs Cooke.