Here are this week’s awards…
Weekly Celebrations
School Value Ambassadors (earning House Points with one pupil chosen each week per year group, awarded by teachers for showing one of our school values):
Year 6 Percy for ‘Trust’ and ‘Wisdom’ – Percy has worked hard for the last few weeks! He has shown determination to earn his pen license and has achieved full marks on his most recent arithmetic paper – keep going Percy, congratulations!
Year 5 Emelia for ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Respect’ – Emelia has shown an increase in confidence in her maths work over the last week. She is trying to complete work more independently but is very patient when asking for help too – well done!
Year 4 Ruby for ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Wisdom’ – Ruby this week has made a thoughtful and responsible decision about where she would like to sit in class. This has allowed her to concentrate more and has really helped her improve her work. Well done Ruby, keep up the hard work!
Year 3 Zander for ‘Love’, ‘Hope’, ‘Friendship’ and ‘Wisdom’ – Zander is a hard working member of our class, he always has beautiful manners and always puts others first! Well done Zander!
Year 2 Roly for ‘Respect’ – Roly has shown respect to all adults this week. He has been polite and helpful – a real star!
Year 1 Cordelia for ‘Wisdom’ – Cordelia is a fantastic writer! She is trying hard to develop her joined handwriting and takes great pride in her work.
Reception Arthur for ‘Perseverance’ – Arthur is a super learning role model to the rest of Hedgehogs. He sets himself goals and works hard to achieve them.
Bumblebees Freddie for showing ‘Trust’, ‘Friendship’, Respect and ‘Perseverance’ – Freddie is a reliable, kind and helpful Bumblebee/ He shows our school values everyday while being the loving, cheeky chappy he is!
Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)
Other achievements…
Eva, Devon and Millie have attended knitting and sewing club this term. They have all created wonderful crafts over the past few weeks. They said it took a lot of perseverance to carry on and complete them! Well done girls, they look great.
Congratulations to all our winners this week!