Welcome to our new St John the Baptist school newsletter, produced by the Owl Class Journalist Team: Lowry, Matthew, Evan, Harry & Ella. We will update you on what has been happening this past month. You will be hearing about Funfest, Acorns and much more! Therefore, we will start with some of our highlights for September…
Fun Fest 2021! The grand total…
Funfest, the great event of the year when the community get together and enjoy our grand festival. This year we are thrilled to announce that we have raised a whopping total of:
We had the traditional tug-of-war matches where parents, kids, and even Corbet pupils participated! Did anybody notice the big football match on the side pitch? Pupils and ex-students were having the time of their life playing a match and Miss Whit (Owl class teacher) even let her dog play! Go Nelly!
We had a BRILLIANT day and we must say a big thank you to the friends; you have brought this village together and made everyone smile. Helpers: you where fantastic organisers and role models to all so please come and join us next year. In addition, where would we be without our fabulous bands. We enjoyed Mr and his mum performing together – you were great! Thank you for entertaining us. The other performance came from our very own Selman family; you all have a gift for music and it was lovely to see our Year 6, Matthew, on stage. We would like to give a BIG thank you to the ‘Friends of St John’s’ team and everyone who helped them set up on the day. We appreciate what a tremendous effort it took to make the day happen. We can’t wait for next summer’s Fun Fest 2022! (By Lowri & Ella)
Library & Books
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Friends for our new library (in the Shared Area) which arrived last summer. Also, Owl Class have received a fantastic selection of new books to read in-class; there are loads of great recommended-reads. Andreas told us, “I’m so glad the Friends of Ruyton bought them for us.” We agree Andreas!
We also had a great response to our request for preloved book donations from the families and friends of Ruyton. We had so many donations! A big thank you to the Corbet School too for your incredible donations. A huge thank you on behalf of all the children.
Our new librarians will start library-club up again soon so we can fully enjoy our new library and books!
School Councils 2021/22
Congratulations to our new school councils, voted in-class by the children.
Fun & Games: Toby W, Harrison K, Amelia E, Charley O, Sebastian T, Phoebe F-B
Worship: Matthew S, Arthur D, Skyler B, Lily T, Sebastian W, Ruby R
Eco-Team: Elliot I, Evan M, Mille J, India I, Archie E
Teaching & Learning: Max C-M, Andreas D, Amber A, Alice R-G, Isaac W, Oscar P
Healthy Helpers: Lowri A, Ella C, Elsie M, Lottie J, Archie R, Isaac H
The School Councils will begin meeting soon; we will keep you updated with developments.
Class Updates
(catch up with our class pages for more…)
In nursery, Mrs Hughes and Mrs Ferrie have just loved getting to know this year’s group of children. One highlight has been the visit from a policeman! Luckily, everyone has been behaving and PC Viner had come specially to talk to the children about his job and staying safe. Robin was very proud: “I made a police car!” whilst Lila told us, “ I made a police car with Robin and I made an elephant.” As ever, it sounds like great fun in Nursery!
Hedgehogs visited Chester Zoo this month as part of their learning about animals and their habitats. They also took part in a workshop about the rainforest habitat and learned about “micro habitats”. Isaac (age 5) told us, “I loved the elephants!” whilst Aoife (aged 4) said, “I really like the lion and giraffes!”
Hedgehogs have also been getting to know our new Student Teacher, Miss Morris, who is on her final placement as part of her PGCE with The Marches. Miss Morris will be with us until Christmas when she will be ready to get her first job! Good luck Miss Morris!
Dragonfly Class have been making a Nature Table this month. India says “It’s going really well,” whilst Percy reported: “It makes me feel calm”. He also said “It makes me want to explore!”. Lottie said she was really interested. We can’t decide who is enjoying it more – the teachers or the children!
Dragonfly Class have also been reading a book called ‘Troll Swap’ – we’ve heard all sorts of funny noises coming from the class next door! Lottie said, ” Troll swap is amazing. It is really fun.” Mrs Hollis and Miss Horton have been really impressed by the writing that has come from their work so far.
We’re pleased to announce we have some new friends in Owl Class! We have 4 goldfish: a pure-black one named Hydra, a mango-orange one named Bubbles, an orange one with white fins named Fire ball and an orange one with black spots named Pheonix. They were purchased with help from Percy Thrower’s Gardening Centre in Shrewsbury – thanks team!
George told us, “Having fish is amazing but naming them was hard!” Arthur reports, “During the school day they watch us work and they admire Miss Whit!”
We’ve also had two of three sessions of ‘Purple Leaf’ where a lady named Jess came in with Karina from Women’s Aid. They are teaching us about our rights and how to deal with a situation where somebody might feel uncomfortable. It’s really making us think!
September Acorns
Congratulations to the following children for receiving ‘Acorn Awards’ during September. These are awarded by class teachers in recognition of class work, attitudes to learning, behaviour or values.
Seb – “brilliant spellings” ; Ruby – “working hard all week” ; Otto – “a brilliant attitude to everything”
Isaac H – “amazing writing”
Millie – “super attitude towards her maths” ; Alice – “for always being ready to learn”
Thomas – “for super diary writing as Tabitha the troll” India- “a super effort with her handwriting”
Luke – “for an amazing lightbulb-write” ; Evan – “for meeting expectations every day”
Matthew – “for constantly sharing ideas” ; Evan – “for hard work and progress”
School Values
Phoebe – “for friendship – she is a good friend to everyone” ; Isaac – “for wisdom in always making the right choices ; Isaac W – “friendship: for sharing the last chocolate biscuit with Charlie”
Evie – “for showing perseverance in P.E” ; Charlie – “Friendship: helping someone if they fall over”
Amelia and Alice- “for showing respect to adults and children all week”
Noah – “for showing perseverance to complete all work to a high standard” ; Harry L – “for improving in respect shown on the football pitch” ‘ Luke : “perseverance with extended writing”
School Value Award of the Month – TRUST
This month the School Value we have focused on has been ‘Trust’. We have explored this value in-class, during Worship and around our school day. Congratulations to the following children for achieving this month’s School Value Award for Trust:
Reception – Dougie M Year 1 – Pheobe F-B Year 2 – Evie H Year 3 – Devon H
Year 4 – Alice R-G Year 5 – Arthur D Year 6 – Noah W
Thank you for reading September’s update! For October, we look forward to bringing you news of football tournaments, trips to Carding Mill Valley & Chester, tag-rugby, a “Hello Yellow” Mental Health day plus lots more Acorns & news from our School Councils. The start of term is jam-packed! Thank you for reading!
The Owl Class Journalists: Matthew, Evan, Lowri, Ella & Harry