This week in English we have been continuing our work on the book ‘The Dragon Machine’. We started the week by learning about commands. We designed a poster to warn people about what the dragons were getting up to then we wrote a note about the dragons telling people what to do and what not to do if they saw one! Later on in the week we thought about adjectives we would use to describe the dragons personality and what they look like.
In Maths, the Year 1s have been continuing their work on numbers 0-20, thinking about one more and one less and greater than/less than and equal to. Year 2s are still learning about money. This week we have been comparing amounts of money, completing calculations involving money and thinking about different ways we can make £!.
In Art, we have been learning about colour mixing. We have learnt about the primary and secondary colours and how to mix different shades of colouring. For our final piece of art we have created firework artwork using everything we have been practising to do last term.
In RE this week, the children brought in objects that were precious to them or their family. It was lovely to hear about why these things were special and what they did to keep them safe. Next week we will be thinking about what objects are precious to Jewish people.