Rabbits Weekly Round-Up – 10.1.25

A happy new year to you all! It’s been lovely hearing about all the exciting things everyone got up to in the Christmas holidays. The children have worked really hard this week and it’s been fab to see what a positive attitude they have all come back to school with.

Here is what we’ve been getting up to…

Our book this half term is ‘The Dragon Machine’. We looked at some pictures from the story and then made predictions on what we thought was going to happen. We have also done some independent writing this week, we had to write a story that had a dragon in it! We loved using our imaginations to create our own stories!

In Maths, the Year 1s have been looking at numbers 0-20. This week we have focussed on identifying representations of 10, 11, 12 and 13. The Year 2s have been learning about money, we have counted money in pence, pounds and a combination of both!

In RE this term we are learning about ‘Who is Jewish and how do they live?’. This week we thought about ‘What is Judaism?’. We learnt about different objects that are special to Jewish people and how Judaism is similar/different to Christianity.

In PSHE this term we are thinking about living in the wider world. This week we thought about families, we looked at some families from around the world and how they are similar and different to our own. We all agreed that all families should love and care for each other. We thought about the ways that we show how we love and care for the special people in our lives.