Good Morning Rabbits.
I hope you are all well and that you enjoyed the long weekend – you possibly did some celebrating of the V E Day anniversary.
Back to the learning week – and I have selected a good brain teaser for you to begin with today. Brain teaser
Maths: please follow the White Rose maths class today. As an additional maths activity you could do the following: Challenge A is for year 3 (as it is really hard!) and Year 2 should do the Y2 maths challenge.
English: Please link to the BBC Bitesize for today’s English lesson.
Spellings: I hope you got on well with the spelling test last week and you could identify the correct spellings in each row. This week’s spelling words are on the spelling page so please look at those and copy out in your best writing. Do three of each word please.
Reading: I have selected another story for you. This story is a bit unusual but it is about trust and friendship. When you have finished reading the story, can you write down five things that would make you feel scared or nervous of letting go? Would you think the same things as the boy in the story?
Weekly project: I have loved seeing all of your work on the weekly projects and I have been wracking my brains to find a good topic for us all to do this week. I have chosen for us to study “Things That Fly”. Now these might be natural things (such as bugs, birds and bats) or they might be mechanical things (helicopters, planes, gliders etc). So for today, the start of the project, you need a front page and I would like you to draw and label as many things that fly as you can possibly think of. Remember that you can look back into history at the first flying machines, or think about any toys that you have that can fly. Please fill the page and see how many unusual things you can find. I have included some websites for inspiration (and amazement!).
Have a lovely day.
Mrs Cooke