Rabbits – Home Learning Friday 10th July

Good Morning Rabbits

I’m in a silly sort of mood today – the last Friday that we will have of this school year!

To wake you all up – here is a VERY SILLY clapping and actions activity – I am picturing you all doing this at home – and looking quite daft!

Well – Did you manage to do it?  Did you look really silly?  I hope you are laughing now.

Spellings:  For your spelling words today – can you please have a go at writing them out in their pairs?  Kneel and Knelt, Feel and Felt etc.  See if you can remember the pair word when you have written the first one.  Calf and ……  Half and …….

Maths:  I am aware of how much ‘screen time’ you are going to have so please do just a few minutes of the maths games before taking a break to do something else – then return to the maths later.


PSHE:  to give you a break from ‘screening’ I have a colouring activity for you.  This is part of our PSHE on keeping you feeling well, relaxed and positive.  You can use any colours – pencils, paint, pen and it is for you to spend as long as you wish colouring the mandala.

colouring mandala

Music:  here is the music link for your lesson today from Mrs Hindson.

Music for home schooling WB July 6th

I hope you all have a lovely Friday and a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Cooke.