
Children receive an assessment on entry to school in order to identify strengths and weaknesses and enable children to make progress from where they are when they begin school.
As well as the ongoing day to day informal assessment of children’s progress by teachers, there are a series of more formal spelling, reading and comprehension tests that take place annually. These are administered in order to identify children’s strengths and areas for further development. Parents are informed of these results and of any special programmes that are being implemented.
Statutory Assessment – assessments take place at 7 years, end of Year 2, 9 years, Year 4 and 10+ years (Year 6) and parents are fully informed of their child’s performance.
Year 1 pupils are assessed nationally on the Phonic Test. A reading assessment of every child in school is carried out each summer term.

Year 4 pupils are assessed on the Multiplication tables test.

All pupils are regularly reassessed to ensure they are making the appropriate progress for their ability. Progress is reported to parents at parent’s evenings and in individual end of year reports.
Any concerns highlighted during assessments are shared with parents, explaining what will be done and how home can support work in school where this would be valuable.
Pupils attainment in regard to National Curriculum are explained and reported annually to parents for all pupils in KS1 and 2 for reading, writing and maths.

School and Statutory Assessments – A Mini Reference Guide

Key Stage Age (years) Year Assessments
Foundation 3-4
Teacher Assessments using Early Years Foundation Stage Early Learning Goals Pupils are assessed as “Meeting” or “Not Meeting” each of the  Early Learning Goals
KS1 5-6
On-going Teacher Assessments Teacher Assessment supported by tests in English and Mathematics
KS2 7-8
Non-statutory school based tests and Teacher Assessments in English and Mathematics, plus at Year 4 Statutory Multiplication Tests and at Year 6 Statutory assessment in Reading, Writing and Mathematics

Parents are kept informed of pupil attainments and have the opportunity to discuss these with class teachers.